Monday, June 2, 2008

There's a first for everything...

I've been so proud that we have survived a year and a half with successfully having no bathtub poops. As of an hour ago, that is no longer. I was reading by the tub when Tyson became very upset, and lo and behold his bath water had fun brown floaties! "Yucky!" I exclaim. He responds with a sad whimper, "Mom! Yucky! Poopy!" He repeated the word the entire time I scrubbed the tub. I pray that he learned from this experience and it will never happen again. (Which I'm sure it will...) :)

ps...enjoy my new blog design!!


Jaime said...

That's happened to me more times than I care to count. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of the floaties either. Hope the rest of your day is better!

Heidi said...

Heidi, Join the club! It's kind of fun to sit back and watch our children suffer some of the great experiences that you perpetrated when you were babies! Sweet justice!

Laura said...

How about throw up in the tub? Had that one yet? Poop is nothing compared to throw up!! Ahhh, the pure joys of motherhood!! Cute blog! Now maybe we can keep in touch better! Your family is adorable!

-Laura Ellis

Bob and Danya said...

LOL! So much fun huh? Silly kids! I know we've had this happen a few times in the past. Thankfully I can't remember a specific incident so it must not have traumatized me too badly! LOL! Now my friend the other day was changing her newborn when he squirted poop all over her shirt and couch. Now that I will remember! :)

hknight said...

Hey guys, This is Jeff and Heather Knight! I saw your blog on Laura's list! It's really cute! Looks like you guys are doing fabulously, other than a little poop in the tub that is. It happens to the best of us! I'm excited to see what you guys are up to! You can check out our blog to, if you want to that is!