Monday, October 27, 2008

Tyson's birthday!!

We were so excited that we could celebrate Tyson's birthday with everyone! He was lucky enough to have two parties (in a round about way). Devin's cousin Breanne threw a fantastic Halloween party for the Spann/Reeves family last Saturday. We've never eaten so much food before! We put some candles in a cupcake and sang happy birthday to him there. (We forgot our camera, so I will have to post pics later when I get them from Dev's cousin) On Sunday we opened gifts. We went to the Spann's first and then to the Hemmert's. Thanks to everyone for all of the spectacular presents!! He loves them. I made the mistake of having Tyson open the present from us (It's a race car track for toddlers) in front of 6 or so other little boys, so that kind of turned into a catastrophe. I definitely learned my lesson!! Our camera died, so luckily I was able to get some pics from my dad's camera. I still can't believe my little boy is two years old. I was kind of a deer in the headlights yesterday, because of it. I'm so sad I didn't get pictures of Tyson opening presents at the Spann house. Grandma and Grandpa gave him an awesome car garage and Claudia and Donna gave him some really cool building thingies. Thank you!!

I'll be honest...this cake really didn't turn out the way I thought it would... Breanne's cupcake from the night before was much more appetizing.

The race car track (It's totally awesome!! I've been playing with it after I put Tyson to bed...)


Julie Hemmert said...

I can't believe he is 2! Sorry about my little addition to the chaos yesterday. I am sad we couldn't stay for cake! (I was yummy! Thanks for sending it home with Matt)!

Bob and Danya said...

Cute cake! That train looks awesome! What a fun car toy! I want one! :) Happy birthday little guy!

Lindsey Killpack Judd said...

Your train turned out great. Way to go Martha Stewart...hum...maybe no longer a compliment;)'...way to go Heidi!

Mara said...

Tee Hee! I Love the cake! Adorible! How does Tyson like his new presents?