Monday, August 18, 2008

bye bye baby...a mother's confession

We weened Tyson from his binky about a month ago, and I was looking through my purse the other day and found it still sitting in the bottom. I could have taken it out and put it in his keepsake box, but I just couldn't bring myself to part with it. I realized that it was probably more a comfort to me than for him... I haven't really had any emotional moments with watching him turn into a little boy, but for some reason getting rid of that binky is one of the hardest things I have done. Is that pathetic? I think it will probably sit in the bottom of my purse for a few more months... *sigh* I guess it's time to think about having another one... well... I take that back... :)


Megan said...

I, too, can't believe how fast everything changes. Tyson is such a big boy. So cute :)

@manda said...

Believe me there will be many of those moments! You are such an awesome mom! Keep that binki in your purse! He is so adorable and he will grow up to be a very handsome young man!

Jaime said...

Just wait til he has to get on a bus all alone and go to Kindergarten! (sniff, sniff) That's me in 6 days!

Bob and Danya said...

Ahhhhhh, he's so cute! With and without the binky! It's a hard thing to give up. I swear it's almost worse for the parents. Gone are the days when you can just pop it in and lay him down easily! However, it's much better than thumb sucking which is nearly impossible to break since cutting off fingers isn't really an option! (just ask Devin how long he sucked his thumb for)! LOL!

Laura said...

I so know how you feel! It was so good to see you guys at the reunion! Tyson is such a cutie! Love ya!

:: ashley :: said...

wow, those pics are so cute he is like contemplating life in both!

Beth said...

I feel the same way! It really is crazy how fast they grow.

Jen said...

Isn't it funny how those little things seem to sneak up on you? You think you are fine with it and then all of a sudden you find something that reminds you how little they used to be. they grow up so fast.

P.S. missed you at BUNCO