Wednesday, February 17, 2010

random cuteness

Our friends invited us to their cabin in a couple of weeks ago. This video just makes me smile...

Milestones :)

It's been a big month for us! In just the past few days Holly sprouted two teeth, is crawling and is already trying to pull herself up onto things. She's only 7 months old, and I am not prepared for mobility yet. She continues to smile at anything and everything. We can't wait to see what she's like as a toddler, but then again, I wish I could keep her at this age forever.

Warning: kind of graphic material ahead! Proceed with caution!
In the land of Tyson, I feel confident in saying that, yes, we are officially potty trained! Woot woot! Don't ask me how I did it, because I don't know. It was a lot of frustrating moments, but now he's almost overly anal (pun intended) about making sure he gets to the potty on time. I swear this kid pees like 25 times a day. And even though he wears pull-ups at night he comes in at 3 AM to announce to me that he is going potty. We started by giving our diapers to Santa (okay, it was in mid-January, but he doesn't know the difference). After a couple of days he was peeing on the potty all by himself, but it took him about a month and a serious emotional breakdown from his mother (I was so sick of cleaning his underwear!!) for him to catch on with going #2. Seriously, ever since I bawled infront of him he runs to the bathroom even at the whisper of "poopies" coming. Then he smiles and says, "You're gonna be so happeeeeeee!!" Who knew I had such a softie on my hands!? k... I'm sure you all wanted to read about these gory details, but in diaperland, this is very exciting!!

He calles this is "daytime potty"

"Happeeeeeeee!" (He's gonna kill me when he's older for posting these...)

All that potty training plus going around the whole neighborhood on his scooter has worn him out. He NEVER falls asleep on the couch, and he was out at 6:30 tonight!!